Saturday, January 29, 2011

27 - 29 Jan

27 Jan

Oats with milk for breakfast, a teacher brought nice nice mixed veg soup for my lunch and had dinner with Heng family =)

 2 sugarless cookie for snack at around 3 plus?

fried brown rice with lots of veg!

28 Jan

Had tuna sandwich for breakfast, then mixed veg rice for lunch and brought mum, Ashraf and Tiara out for dinner at Sumo house..

 Took 2 sips of this root beer float
 my tea..
 ate a few bites of the apple crumble with ice cream.. Had to stop coz the cold and sweetness coz me toothache
 little bread toast..
 @ sumo house
---> share this cold toufu with mum
 my set.. Sukiyaki (steamed veg with sliced beef)
I ate only 1 quarter of the rice
shared with mum and Ashraf

Raw salmon.. Shared with mum..

Left for home at around 7:30pm...

Then came home at about 9plus... At around 10 plus, stomach started churning and I started having diarrhoea.. till 29 Jan afternoon.. =p

29 Jan
slept till 12 plus, coz kept waking up in the middle of the night to diarrhoea. Had tuna sandwich.

Had water cress soup for dinner. with the YAF-ers.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

24 to 26 Jan

Didnt lose any weigh coz i've been pampering myself this week with quite nice lunches.. Here and there..

24 Jan

Had tuna sandwich... Went to Subway for salad for lunch.. Dinner with Heng Family!

25 Jan

Didnt go to school because my chest pains was waaaaaay too much to bear... Had Oats in the morning, tuna sandwich for lunch, and mixed veggie rice and soup for dinner.

26 Jan

Had oats, then lunch at school and Dinner with Heng Family =)

 A teacher sponsored herbal soup today.. Drank two bowls.. Yes, it is oily...
 Tried my friend's curry chicken. ONE PIECE!!
yay! Special treat! 2 ngor hiang (5 spices pork roll)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

20 to 23 Jan

20 Jan

Ate oats with HL Plant Sterol, meal replacement milk for lunch, went to eat with Heng Family..

 Brown rice with stir fry capsicum and chicken.
 Spinach with fishball soup
These cookies, which i can only eat 2 a day, has no sugar at all because the baker forgot to put it in.. =)

21 Jan

Ate oats for breakfast, tuna sandwich with cucumber for dinner. My chest ached so badly (again) i was so lazy to make the milk i went to get mixed veggie rice for lunch..

2 servings of veg, and one serving of dry toufu skin with fish fillings.

ate one cookie..

22 Jan

Drank milk replacement for lunch.. Spoilt myself for breakfast, and didnt had the energy to eat dinner so just bought soup..

 This was how the dosai was presented to me
 Tried two bites of this and threw the rest away...
 Water cress soup
Ate the lower half.. Which was like 4 mouth of rice..

 went to church for seminar, didnt rest very well the previous night so was super sleepy.. Help myself with 3 clorets.. at different timings..

23 Jan

Ate tuna sandwich with cucumber, then the following for the rest of the day..
 Soya bean curd at about 10:30am
 Korean BBQ pork for lunch, ate half the rice
 Mum cooked. This is fried egg with chai po
 Stir fry cabbage
my small plate.. Mum cooked raddish and carrot soup, had a cup of it..